Living Your Bliss

bliss man

How do we stand out as an individual when we are truly a member of a collective? The ones who stand out from the crowd have a mad, insatiable passion to define themselves and live their bliss.  These creative beings see potential and magic in the ordinary.  They defy entropy and live as though they will enjoy the bliss they manifest with no limits.

Turn down the volume of the world.  Just reach in and turn it down.  Let go and hear your true inner voice.  You will feel the magic, discover your desires and enjoy the bliss.

Those of us who feel an unconditional, radical connection to our children may catch a glimpse of that innocent, authentic patience with life that they are lucky enough to enjoy at that stage and maybe we can find that permission to be so gentle, even carefree, with ourselves.  When you surrender to a childlike state, time loses meaning and the stressors of this created life disappear.  Who are you in that moment?  Is this the quintessential ‘you’ that feels in alignment with your bliss.  As we grow we may put up walls, learn self-defeating behavior and trade our playtime for responsibility and obligation.  Is this what we want to happen to our children?  There has to be a better way.

Now imagine how you would feel if others in your life could hear your inner thoughts about your bliss.  Bringing your guarded, private blissful desires into alignment with what you show the world makes an authentic connection between your dreams and your reality. But, what holds us back from truly making this our reality?

What if we could feel certain and confident about standing out from the crowd and living our life of bliss? What would be different if you could exist unencumbered by limits and regulations.

What does your bliss really look like?

photo courtesy of Oleander on morgue


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